Meet Dr. Iramaia Yassim

Meet Dr. Iramaia Yassim in Los Angeles

Dr. Iramaia has been crafting beautiful smiles through the art of dental healing since 2004 when she graduated from UEPG (State University of Ponta Grossa) in Brazil. Dr. Iramaia lived two years in Mexico improving her dental skills and learning Spanish in 2009-2011 at DeLaSalle Dental school in Guanajuato State. She is always living to achieve her best version by creating with love the smiles of her patients by attending innovative educational seminars and progressive personal development courses. Dr. Iramaia has a keen interest in keeping the body, mind and heart connected with her transcendental daily practices : Yoga time, going at the gym and daily meditation which in turn allows her to focus on cultivating lasting interpersonal relationships with her patients. During her free time, Dr. Iramaia enjoys nature, traveling and spending quality time with her son.