Flower Essence Personalized

Flower Essence Personalized in Los Angeles

Here, at Mindfulness Dental we provide a personalized flower essences questionnaire for all patients that are ready to balance their emotions and have an incredible experience in the clinic and every day life.

Fill out the questionnaire if you would like to have your personalized flower essence prepared for pick up in the clinic when ready. Please leave your name, email and phone number so we can contact you when ready for pick up. 

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The new look to heal in this era comes from a vital force that affects the energy standards and physical expression of life. This concept of healing comes through human consciousness and transformation. (Vibrational Medicine - Richard Gerber)

Our health is a perfect balance between body, mind and spirit. When unbalanced, disease cultivates and manifests between them. (Dr. Bach)

Dr. Bach and Flower essences

Dr. Edward Bach was born in England, September 24th 1886. He was a physician, pathologist, bacteriologist, and homeopathic therapist. In clinical practice he expressed the deep knowledge that various diseases caused. He understood the necessity of balance along with the importance of patients spiritual well being. Dr. Bach began the journey to discovering natural ways of healing through flower essences.

What are flower essences?

Those exact essences are flower extracts that exploit certain energies inside the matrix’s formula. In return re-establishing the emotional balance and development of the soul including health, body and mind.  They act in the energy field bringing consciousness to the “undesirable” emotions that manifests disease. 

The system is divided in 7 groups: 

  • Fear
  • Insecurities
  • Lack of interest
  • Loneliness
  • External Hyper sensibility
  • Dismay
  • Excessive care with others